Tuesday, 4 April 2017

How To Stay Positive 


Hey everybody welcome back to my blog. Today's post is a little bit different to my other ones. Its all about my tips on staying positive ( I know I should follow my own advice so I am going to start using these more often!) Depression, anxiety and all types of mental illnesses are extremely common in Ireland today and we almost all know somebody affected by them. It is such a horrible experience to have to go through especially on your own.  I hope you find this useful and hey if it helps even one person it will make me an extremely happy lady! 

1. Do something 


This is probably one of the most important things you can do when you begin to sink into that feeling of numbness. All you want to do is wrap your self in your duvet and never see the world again. Once you feel that mood coming start to do something, even if it is cleaning your bedroom, sorting out your clothes just do something to take your mind off whatever your feeling. I always feel like this works, the hard thing is to actually make myself do something. 

2. Talk to somebody 


If there is anybody in your life you feel you can confide in please do! No matter how silly you think the problem is, if it is getting you down then it is not silly at all. Talking to somebody or even telling somebody that you don't feel great can make a world of difference. You never reliase how understanding people are until you talk to them. Having supportive friends, families, boyfriends whoever, will help you so much and always be grateful for them people who have helped you. 

3. Mo Me Cards

Recently I came across a small Irish business on Instagram. It is run by a woman named Niamh who has been through a lot! After a suggestion to try Mindfulness she came up with the idea of Mo Me. They are basically beautfiul, inspiring and motivational qoutes on coloured card which you can stick in your room, kitchen, work are anywhere you want to!! Niamh kindly sent me out a packet and I fell in love with them. I have them in my bedroom and I am going to bring them in to work with me to put on my desk, and really feel they pick me up when I need it. Some days when I am feeling down and I glance at one of the qoutes it can remind me how lucky and grateful I am. Thank you so much Niamh for introducing these in to my life. I will leave the link for her website below if you are interested in finding out more information. 


4. Qoutes 


Kind of like the above reading qoutes have always made me feel happier. I dont know what it is about them they just seem to improve my mood and give me some motivation to try and snap out of whatever bad or low mood I am. Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram are great for these! 

5. Happiness Planner / Journal 

Keeping a journal may seem like a childish thing to some people. Lots of people have sworn by this to keep track of their moods. If you are not a person who likes to talk to people about your feelings perhaps a journal could help you. For Christams my lovely boyfriend got me a Happiness Planner. Basically it is a journal which you fill in at the end of each day. You fill in happy moments of that day, what you are grateful for, what you hope for tommorow and then some basic journal feautures such as to do lists and your schedule for that particular day. I have been using this since New Years Day and I LOVE it! It really makes me remember how lucky I am and how grateful I should be. I am so lucky to live in a peaceful country, have a roof over my head, be able to go to college and have a job. We never usually think of these as lucky to have instead I am always wishing I had that designer bag or the latest makeup launch. Using the Happiness Planner has definitley taught me how lucky I am to be living this life. 

Here is the link if you would like to purchase the Happiness Planner; 


As it is late in the year they also have a 100 Day planner which you could also purchase as the other one goes from Jan-Dec; 


6. Meditation 

(Google Images) 

Meditation is another brilliant thing you can do to brighten your mood. The first time I tried it was with a breathing CD and I did find it quite hard and ridiclous. However I have since downloaded the Head Space App on the app store and I find it really good if I am feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It takes 10 minutes to do each day so its not too long and my mind always feels much calmer after listening to it. 

There is a few tips that I hope help somebody who is feeling down. I hope you liked this post and if you would like to see more of these types of posts let me know!


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